How To Choose a Prosthetic Arm?

People with amputated limbs or congenital health conditions have a choice: live without a prosthesis, wear a cosmetic prosthesis, use a functional body-powered or bionic hand.
Life without a prosthesis
Is a personal decision and a respectable choice of every individual, but before you say “no” to modern prosthetic hands, it is essential to consult with an experienced prosthetist, who will thoroughly study your situation and identify any possible risks.
Excessive load on a healthy arm can lead to asymmetry of the body, curvature of posture leading to further condition such as scoliosis, and decreased muscle mass on the remaining part of the limb.
Prosthetic arms by Motorica are custom-made for every client to help avoid deterioration of health, restore lost functions, and provide psychological comfort, which is equally important.
A cosmetic prosthesis
It’s a passive device without an actual movement, which only looks like a natural hand but doesn't provide any capabilities or benefits for a person.
Even the highest quality cosmetic prosthesis only offers a disguise. It's meaningless to compare the cosmetic types of prostheses with controlled working models, especially when you can wear the cosmetic shell on most modern bionic prostheses.
A functional body-powered prostheses
Body-powered is an active upper-limb prosthesis, controlled by the user through traction, using the strength of his muscles. No electronics of any kind!
Traction arm prostheses are installed in early childhood due to the most simple principle of operation and low weight. The traction prostheses allow the user to consciously control the speed, the strength of a grip and even feel resistance when the hand comes into contact with the object. The traction prostheses of Kibi’s hands often become the intermediate training step before moving to innovative bionic models.
New generation bionic prostheses
These modern technologies not only restore the patient's lost capabilities but also expand them.
We develop and manufacture bionic arms that include a motor and a battery. The functional prosthesis is controlled by sensors that read muscle impulses. In other words, the speed and strength of the bionic arm's grip are directly proportional to the strength of the user's muscles.

Therefore, our bionic prostheses allow the person to carefully pick up fragile objects without damaging them.
How To Choose the Prosthetic Hands Manufacturer
Prosthetics companies must meet specific criteria:
Do you have any questions, doubts, or concerns? There’s no need to go or call anywhere. Everything that worries you can be answered, specified, and clarified online. Take advantage of our online consultation before going to the clinic. 
High-tech functional prosthetic arms are available to everyone today.