My child has aplasia. Prosthetics for arm aplasia

протезирование при пализии
If your child was born with aplasia/hypoplasia of the upper limb, this doesn’t mean that they will not be happy. Parental love and state-of-the-art prosthetics methods and rehabilitation can give the small person an active, bright and happy life.

What is aplasia

Aplasia (from the Greek a "not"/"no" and plasis "formation") is a congenital developmental defect in which a child is missing an entire organ or part of it. Aplasia of limbs is most often encountered in children. The term Hypoplasia means partial underdevelopment of any organ.

The generally accepted classification of congenital developmental defects divides all developmental defects into transverse and longitudinal. Transverse defects are congenital stumps (when there is no limb below the cross section). Longitudinal underdevelopment includes preservation of the longitudinal part of a segment (for example, on the wrist the second finger may be missing entirely, including the phalanges, metacarpal bone and carpal bones).

Unfortunately, children are very often born with congenital developmental defects. Specialists state that 1–2 children per 1,000 are born with underdevelopment of the upper limbs.

Reasons for aplasia

There are about 50 reasons for congenital developmental defects of upper limbs in a child.

A child is born with a developmental defect if the woman was exposed to a harmful factor in the 4–7 week period of pregnancy.
All the reasons can be divided into 3 groups:
External factors. For example, taking drugs, illness of the mother during pregnancy (for example, acute respiratory illness, flu, rubeola), chemotherapy, etc. These factors could alter the normal course of fetal formation.
Endogenous factors. Genetic predisposition and hereditary transmission of a trait. In some cases, the anomaly may be transmitted by heredity.
Unestablished factors – about 50% of children with underdevelopment are born with an unidentified cause of the anomaly.

Prosthetics for aplasia

The specialists agree: the higher the level of the congenital stump, the earlier a prosthesis should be made for the child.

A cosmetic prosthesis should be made already in the first year of life. From age one to three, an active prosthesis can (and should) be set on a child.

A child should use a functional prosthesis from infancy. And the fact is not only in forming habits and acceptance by the child of the prosthesis as a part of themselves. A body-powered prosthesis is good for those who need to use it to apply muscle stress. Therefore, an arm with a prosthesis is in constant tone that allows it to be used confidently in the future, for example, a bioelectric prosthesis.

Motorica is engaged in individual prosthetics of the upper limbs of children and adults. During our work with dozens of children with congenital developmental defects we have obtained new opportunities. Body-powered CYBI hands are not only an attractive and vivid trainer for the hand muscles. Using CYBI, one can lift and confidently hold objects of varying shape, size and weight. And additional functional attachments on the prosthesis make a child’s life simpler and more interesting.