User Stories


2021-03-16 15:04 Kids and Teens Body-powered
Any mother will confirm how nice it is to take care of her child, when they are interested in them, wish them well and help.

Ksenia Voropaeva (Bogdana's Mother):
Coming with Bogdana to the Motorica team, every time I have tears of joy. These people have chosen such a profession to help other people, including children, because Motorica prosthetic hands. open up new horizons for them. opening up new horizons for them. I don't know about people who haven't faced such a situation, one can only imagine the joy of parents when their child shines because he can take something with all ten fingers, even if half of them aren't made of flesh. A genuine "thank You" to everyone involved in this miracle and I thank the Universe that I happen to meet such beautiful people!