
Nike Box MSK

2021-09-13 17:28 News Press release
Sport without exceptions: Nike Box MSK together with Motorica presented a film about children with prosthetic hands who are not afraid to play sports 

Nike Box MSK together with Motorica released a short film about children without hands who practice their favorite sports no matter what. The project also includes a series of educational videos for coaches, and a sports festival for children, which was hold at Nike Box MSK in May in Moscow. Regular inclusive training for kids has started in June and will be held on a regular basis.

There are millions of people without hands in the world, among them there are many children with congenital disorders and amputations. One of the frequent problems faced by children without hands in Russia, according to a survey of parents, is the lack of opportunities to play sports, because not all coaches are ready to take responsibility for their safety, as well as due to some psychological factors and the lack of regulation and necessary documentation.
That’s why Motorica has launched a global initiative to support people with special needs in their struggle for a better quality of life, health, and well-being. Nike was the first global corporation to support this initiative and helped with its organization in Russia.
“If you have a body, you are an athlete” is the famous quote of Nike co-founder and coach Bill Bowerman, which formed the basis of the philosophy of the brand. In a new project with Motorica*, a company that develops and manufactures functional cyber arms for children and adults, Nike Box MSK proves once again that there are no limits in sports.
The heroes of the documentary are “Motoricans” – children with prosthetic hands, who, despite all the difficulties, continue to play sports. Together with other kids they play football at the FC Spartak Academy, do yoga, learn tricks on skateboards and new dance moves, win in chess and set personal records in swimming. 
The film is complemented by a series of short educational videos from coaches who work with children with prostheses. The purpose of these videos is to show that children without hands can study in general groups and that there is no need to create additional conditions for them.
Motorica’s global initiative includes a series of instructional coaching videos and inclusive training programs for kids. We deliver inclusion-based training resources for sports coaches and bring them together.

* Motorica is a resident of the Skolkovo innovation center. The company develops and manufactures traction and bionic prostheses for children and adults, as well as creates an ecosystem of various rehabilitation aids for users. Since 2016, the company has produced more than 2,500 prostheses, including for unique cases for children, who were previously refused due to the complexity of the injury and the lack of suitable solutions.
* To visit Nike BOX MSK: - don’t forget your mask, - don’t enter the dressing room if there are already 2 people inside, - you can leave personal belongings in a wardrobe, - drinking fountains are currently switched off, - you can bring your own towel to use the shower, - you can stay at Nike studio during the training only, - before visiting, please read COVID safety instructions, - 8 – mind social distancing.